Blackwater Lodge - August 3rd., 2015

Please go to my Blog for all the latest news. (click the link)

Best Ever Catch per Rod Day for the Month of July!
The actual number of fish caught for the month was well above average, but the rod effort was however much lower than normal.

The 125 fish were caught for just 216 rod days – a superb average of 0.6 fish/rod day & the highest ever recorded for July.

The Best Ever month of July was recorded way back in 1998 when 296 were caught for 550 rod days.This gives a catch per rod day at that time of only 0.5 fish/rod day.
The Second Best Ever month of July recorded was in 2000 when 263 were caught for 650 rod days.The catch per rod day for that year was even lower at only 0.4 fish/rod day.

Third Best Catch for the Month of July since 2003!
125 fish were caught in total for July. The fly was by far the most productive method accounting for 73 fish.

The Best Day of the Season - which had been recorded on June 28th. when 13 fish were caught - was equalled on July 8th. 

We also recorded the Second Best Day for 2015 twice in July - with 10 fish on the 28th. & then 11 fish on the 30th.

The joint Best Fish of the Month at 12lb. were caught by Chris Atkinson (UK) on the fly on the 6th. & Gavin Wishart (N. Ireland) on the 23rd. Both were taken from Lower Kilmurry & both were released.

Current Conditions & Prospects.
The staggering catch statistics for July are even more remarkable when we take into considerationthat the average gauge height at Ballyduff for the month of July was a mere 0.33m.There was no significant flood during the month, & the highest level it reached was 0.60m on the 19th.

Yesterday (Sunday August 2), I recorded 20mm rain on my gauge here at the Lodge.Rain fell right across the catchment yesterday though it looks as if more fell in the middle to lower regionthan fell at the top of the river.

Ballyduff gauge is peaking at 0.51m at 06.00 this morning - up 25cm.The upper river at Millstreet is up 45cm at 06.00 and is still rising.

This rise in the river - coupled with high tides of 4.0m peaking at Youghal today, should encourage the first of the larger autumn fish which are already in the tidal reaches to run into the main river & also bring an even more concerted grilse run.

There is no problem for fishing & accommodation availability in the coming weeks at the moment. 

Now is the time to book your fishing break as there are now only 8 weeks left of the 2015 season.

With the Euro being so weak, exchange rates against the £ sterling, US $ Dollar & other currencies are very favourable, and make a trip to Ireland extremely good value for money at the moment!

Greetings from Ballyduff and Tight Salmon Lines for the remainder of 2015
Ian Powell
Blackwater Lodge & Salmon Fishery